Done Playing Small

I was sitting in a cafe one day with a friend when it hit me: I was ready to start making money. Not “just enough” to pay for my living expenses; I decided I was ready to start asking for and receiving the kind of money I deserve. What is “the kind of money I deserve”? It’s payment that reflects and takes my various degrees, training, and experiences into account. Remarkably, the day I decided to commit to this notion, I made over $3,000. I was not only given a contract to receive the hourly rate I wanted for a huge deal with a public school, but I also sold a private coaching package to a client within an hour of sharing my new rate. 

Getting to this point has been a journey. Over the past two years, I’ve been building four different businesses: a custom fine jewelry business, a branded fine jewelry business (P2U), Peace in Piermont, and Give Your Brain a Bath Books. I have invested tens of thousands of dollars from my savings account into my businesses; I am building my dream world. 

It’s been two years of volunteering, undercharging to gain experience, and giving back. I’ve lived off my savings account for over two years now (special thank you to my parents for instilling the importance of saving money). I haven’t paid myself from any of my businesses; I’ve used the money to pay off my business credit cards before the absurd amount of interest kicks in. I'm on the cusp of paying off all remaining business debt within the next month. Money, I understand, is a charged topic.

My big picture goals are to have multiple yoga and mindfulness studios, a series of published books on self-care with a corresponding Netflix series, and a multi-million dollar jewelry business. I will not be able to achieve such goals if I continue to prioritize what works for others over what works for me. 

Last month, I spoke with many women about money. It’s a taboo topic in today’s world. We’re very comfortable complaining about something being expensive, or not having money to do something we desire, but ask someone about a savings account or a salary and they’re quick to shut down. But as entrepreneurs, it’s important to share our experiences and knowledge with one another to learn and to grow.

 As an entrepreneur who feels most successful when she’s working with, uplifting, and empowering others, I want to impart the knowledge and skills I’ve learned in regards to pricing and finances with like-minded business women. The world of entrepreneurship can be confusing and isolating; it’s my goal to help change that.

In April, I’ll be hosting a Money Mastermind that will aim to support you with your financial business needs. Whether you’re dipping your toes in a side business or creating a brand new venture, join us. It will be three weeks long and each week will address a different aspect of pricing.

April 6 Week 1 Agenda:

-Introductions/Share a bit about your business(es)

-Devise a list of your degrees, trainings, certifications, and experiences that add value to your pricing

-Create a list of your services

-Explore packages and add-ons

April 13 Week 2 Agenda:

-Market/industry research/comps

-Discuss pricing with others

-Rehearse reinforcing your pricing with others

-Free/inexpensive apps/programs to support your business needs

April 20 Week 3 Agenda:

-Promote yourself! Discuss marketing strategies your business

-Cross promotional opportunities

-Social media strategies that work

-Hacks to save money as an entrepreneur

Because this is the beta run for this program, the cost is $99 for all three weeks. The next time it launches, in June, the cost will increase to $199. It includes three 90-minute group sessions, along with digital support in between meetings in a private Facebook group. You will receive homework to think about and work on in between sessions.  Space is limited to 11 entrepreneurs. Email to reserve your spot today!

I hope to see you in April!


Katie, @SomethingKatie