Bedtime Inspiration

Are you a parent reading children's books before bed each night? If yes, then you are probably like me and always on the lookout for new stories to add to your collection. I hope my new (and first!) book, "The Sparkly Bun," will be a welcomed addition to your rotation!

"The Sparkly Bun" was inspired by my family and creatively tackles the common topic of peer pressure and fitting in, all while incorporating my love for burgers (who doesn't love burgers?!). The idea for this book came to me years ago while I was reading to my daughter, and I thought, "I can do this too!" The storyline quickly came to me, but finding the right illustrator and perfecting the finishing touches took the most time. But I committed to finishing the book in 2023.
In a world where conformity is often the norm, "The Sparkly Bun" encourages children to embrace individuality. Join Emme as she navigates the world of schoolyard fashion and learns the valuable lesson that being true to yourself is more important than fitting in with the crowd.

As a parent, we often deal with our children facing peer pressure and wanting to fit in. Building them up and giving them the confidence to be themselves is essential. "The Sparkly Bun” shows children that being an individual is something to be celebrated.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a children's book is finding the right tone and language to engage young readers. I focused on using simple language and vivid imagery to bring the story to life while making it fun and real.

Writing "The Sparkly Bun" was a labor of love; seeing it come to life has been an incredible journey. I’m honestly sad that the process is over now! My daughter, the primary character in the book, has been excited about it from the beginning, asking me about the next steps and when it will be available for sale. It's truly a special feeling to see her on the cover of a book I wrote.

If you have a story, I encourage you to take the leap and start writing. Anything is possible with hard work, persistence, and a little sparkle.


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