Get Out of Your Head... and into Your Heart

            This week, I’ve been putting the final touches on a children’s meditation book I’ve been working on for the past year. Although it’s been an exciting time, fear and anxiety have arrived. There’s been a lot of resistance to proceeding through and while I believe there’s value to it sometimes, I have a gut feeling it’s just the fear of the unknown outcome. As I’ve been working my way through these challenging emotions, I devised a list of important things to remember when I’m stuck living in my head, rather than my heart. 

1.     Remember to take one bite of the apple at a time. When you pick up an apple to eat, you don’t put the whole thing in your mouth at once, eat it bite by bite. You don’t need to do everything at once. Baby steps. Maybe today is a day you take no steps at all, and that’s okay. 

2.     Dance. Put on your favorite music. Forget where you are and just move your body!

3.     Go for a walk outside. Whether it’s 26 or 65 degrees, get outside and be in nature. Take a different path than usual. 

4.     Pour yourself a cup of herbal tea. Try to avoid caffeine if you’re nervous system is already in overdrive. Try a chamomile, lavender, and/or ginger tea to help settle yourself.

5.     Take a class. Whether it’s your favorite yoga or fitness class, or something you’ve been dying to try – now is the time! Trying something new is a great way to get out of your head and be in the present moment. 

6.     Write down all the annoying, frustrating thoughts that are running through your mind. Then burn it. I recommend doing this over a sink!

7.     Take a long shower or bath. If you go with the bath, add Epsom salt. 

8.     Close your eyes and envision what you really want in your life. Picture what you want to happen in whatever situation is causing anxiety. In your dream scenario, what are you wearing? Who are you surrounded by? What will you do to celebrate the victory of whatever has been worrying you?

9.     Phone a friend. It’s particularly helpful to call a friend you haven’t connected with in a while. 

10.  Write a list. Are you feeling overwhelmed by everything that needs to get done? Write it all out. Every last thought floating around that you think “needs” to get done. Pause and breathe. Rest your eyes and take a few rounds of deep breaths. Is everything on this list really imperative to complete 

11.  Meditate. Did you see this one coming? Simply sit or kneel, set a timer for five minutes and be with your thoughts. Acknowledge that we’re humans, not robots; we don’t have an on/off switch for our minds. Your mind may wander and that’s okay – do not judge it. Breathe into any thoughts that arise and continue to focus on your breath. Sometimes it helps to inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four and exhale for a count of four.

Follow along Katie’s personal journey on Instagram @SomethingKatie 

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