Self Reflection for 2022

Last summer, I was sitting on the edge of the shoreline, watching the waves come in as I kept replaying my fiancé’s words in my mind, Babe, you should just create your own journal. He was right. I had a million journals at home, and at least 3 with me on vacation. (I wish I were joking but they all served a different purpose).

The more I sat there and thought about it, the more excited I started to feel. I can do this, I thought. Why can’t I create something that has everything in one space? In one journal?! I didn’t want to fail, but I also knew I had to try. I felt called to create this. As soon as I let the fears wash away with the tide, my mind immediately knew what I wanted to design.

I sat down at my computer, and created my first draft of my journal. It took over a year, multiple revisions, conversations, and more journals purchased before I created and published the Empower Your Day Journal.

Journaling to me has always been something I was drawn to. I love to write, but I’ve found that it is therapeutic as well. Living with anxiety is not easy, and having a place to write, feel, and visualize has helped me feel calmer and settled going into a new day.

I created the 90 day journal as a way for people to have a place to express and process thoughts, feelings, goals, and dreams. I wanted people to have a space to think on a deeper level and reflect on what matters most. I needed to truly focus on gratitude, my happiness, and prioritize the important tasks in my day to day life to get me to my dream life through manifestation. 

This journal means more to me than just a morning or daily habit. It means I can look fear in the face, and come out feeling empowered and successful!

Start empowering your everyday today.

Courtney Neenan

The journal is available on Amazon:

Katie Stoeckeler